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2024-2025 Ayyappa Mandala Utsavam
Abhishekam & Irumudi Signup

Your signup status for year 2024:
Abhishekam: YESNO
# Of Participants need Irumudi Material: IQTY
# Of Irumudi Bags needed ($8 each): BQTY
Signup Includes $51 Ayyappa Neiabhishekam
$25 for each participant requiring Irumudi puja supplies
$8 for each Irumudi Bag needed
Select family members needing Irumudi puja supplies


Total # of Irumudi bags needed ($8 each)
Annadanam donation towards Ayyappa Mandala Puja

Review and Pay

Donation details
Your Ayyappa Mandalam services have been successfully processed.
Please check your email for a receipt of the payment.
Thank you for supporting HTCI. 
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Please double check all fields and try again
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